Apr 18, 2016

BMATS Summer Module: "Principles of Christian Counseling: An Introduction to the Place of Biblical Counseling in the Life of the Local Church"

The BMA Seminary, DiscipleGuide, and BMA Missions Department are pleased to announce a special collaborative effort aimed at assisting member churches in one of the most needed areas of church life.  Together, we will be sponsoring a special conference style course entitled “Principles of Christian Counseling: An Introduction to the Place of Biblical Counseling in the Life of the Local Church.” The conference style course will be open to all members of the BMA (and others).  Pastors, church leaders, prospective missionaries, and associational leaders are especially encouraged to attend.  The course specifically aims to assist participants in:
  •  building one’s ministry on the sufficiency of Scripture with the conviction that the Word of God is sufficient for all matters pertaining to “life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3)
  •  gaining a greater confidence in the sufficiency and superiority of the Scripture for handling all the personal and interpersonal problems of life
  •  building a culture of “one anothering” in your local church, where biblical counseling becomes a vital ministry of all church members  (Rom. 12:10, 16, 13:18, 14:13, 15:7, etc.)
  •  learning key foundational principles of a thoroughly scriptural approach to a Christ-honoring church life
  •  identifying and responding to key areas where worldly philosophies tend to usurp biblical authority and practice in the life of the church (2 Tim. 3:1-5)
  • identify and develop the personal qualities that are necessary for effective counseling ministry (1 Tim. 3; Titus 1)
  •  evaluating people and their problems in a distinctly biblical way 
  • pursuing an enriched and improved personal life and relationship with Christ, and more.

The instructor for the event will be noted author and professor, Dr. Stuart Scott.  Dr. Scott is Visiting Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, as well as Professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College and Seminary.  He will be serving as a special adjunct professor at BMATS for this course.  He has over thirty-five years of experience in counseling training and pastoral ministry, and heads up 180 Counseling and Education Ministry, which partners with churches to provide biblical hope and change.

The course will be available for seminary credit, but the normal auditing fee of $180 has been reduced to $35 to make this as accessible as possible to all of those interested.  The course will be July 12th -15th, (Tuesday-Friday) 2016, from 1:00-9:00 PM, on the campus of Temple Baptist Church in Little Rock.  To register, contact the BMA Seminary Dean’s office, at bmats@bmats.edu.