Oct 30, 2014

"Psalms of Petition" Slides

The below are 7 (of 29) slides from my recent Heb621x (Hebrew Exegesis) power point presentation on the analysis of "Psalms of Petition."  
Slide 1. Screen shot includes BST in the background.

Slide 2. Dead Sea Psalms scroll: 11QPs

Slide 3. Opening slide on purpose of Psalms.

Slide 8: Structure

Slide 7. Intro. to "Psalms of Petition"

Psalm 54 in Hebrew

Psalm 54 in English (NAS)

Psalm 3

Oct 17, 2014

Codex vs. Scroll

Below is a comparison of Codex L (11th cent; world's oldest complete Heb. OT, in codex) with Bologna Sefer Torah (12th cent.; world's oldest Torah scroll).  The BST was rediscovered and identified by Mauro Perani last year in Italy.  As visible: Image 1, Codex L (Deut. 16:15c-16:18a); Image 2, Bologna Sefer Torah (Deut. 16:15b-16:18b).  The first word of the BST image below begins with  יְבָרֶכְךָ֞  , the first word after athnach of v. 15 (visible in L), and ends with  לִשְׁבָטֶ֑יךָ , the last word before athnach (visible in L) in v. 18. The nun in the margin is indicating a variation in the sedarim. Image 3 is of BHS Deut. 16 for reference.
Codex L; 11th cent; world's oldest complete Heb. OT. Deut. 16:15c-16:18a; ס marks the sedarim, but is also abbreviation for 2nd word of "פרשה סתומה" or "parashah setumah" = "closed section," when in the text
Bologna Sefer Torah: 12th cent.; world's oldest Torah scroll. Deut. 16:15b-16:18b. 1st word begins with first word after athnach of v. 15; ends with last word before athnach in v. 18. The nun in the margin is indicating a variation in the sedarim. Notice the following paragraph begins on the same line as opposed to a new line as in Codex L above.  (Source of BST image, Mauro Perani.)

The below is a pic. of the same text from BHS, but expanded due to size of photograph.  Notice BHS follows Codex L, as would be expected. 

BHS Deut. 16.

For French readers, here is an article on the BST use of nun in the masoarh parva as seen here, recommended by Mauro Parani, the "rediscoverer" of the Bologna Sefer Torah.   http://www.hum.huji.ac.il/upload/_FILE_1371727598.pdf

Oct 7, 2014

Fall 2014 William N. Paschal Memorial Bible Lectures

For the lectures, see below.

[Excerpt from the Press Release]
The Forty-Fourth Annual William N. Paschal Memorial Bible Lectures will be held October 14 and October 16, 2014 in the Dorman Memorial Chapel on the campus of Baptist Missionary Association (BMA) Theological Seminary in Jacksonville. Texas.

The Schedule of Lectures is as follows:

Tuesday, October 14    10:00 a.m.—   Apologetics and the Contemporary Setting
                                        3:00 p.m.— Biblical/Historical Justification for Apologetics
Thursday, October 16 10:00 a.m.— Worldview and the Apologetic Tool Box
                                       3:00 p.m.—  Presuppositional Praxis: Applied Apologetics

The guest lecturer for the William N. Paschal Memorial Bible Lectures for 2014 is Brian Rickett, who serves as Administrator and Professor of Biblical Studies for the BMA Seminary’s Arkansas Campus. His wife, Janet, also works at the Seminary’s Arkansas Site as Arkansas Director of Women.

Brief Bio.
  • Graduated with a B.S. in Bible with a Pastoral Ministry emphasis from CBC (1996); Master of Divinity (2000), Master of Theology, Old Testament (2003)--Th.M. thesis entitled, The Implications of psalm 19 for Presuppositional Apologetics, engaged in Doctor of Theology studies, Old Testament (2004-08), The Master’s Seminary; is engaged in Doctor of Ministry studies in Christian Worldview and Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2014--)
  • He is currently the Administrator and Professor of Biblical Studies for the BMA Seminary’s Arkansas campus (2014), where he previously taught biblical languages and exegesis on an adjunct basis (2009-2014); he is also the founding Pastor-teacher of The Bible Church of Beebe, Beebe, Ark. (BMA; planted 2009).
  • Immediately prior to his return to Arkansas (2008), he taught: Biblical Hebrew, Exegesis, and various biblical studies courses for the Logos Bible Institute of Grace Community Church (1998-2008); Hebrew, Hebrew Reading, Aramaic, and Apologetics for The Master’s Seminary (2004-08); Theology, Apologetics & Evangelism, and various Bible and counseling courses for The Master’s College, where he served full time in the counseling department (2004-08).
  • He is married to Janet L. Rickett (Director of Women, BMA Seminary, Ark.) who has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (The Master’s College, 2008; graduate project, “Ministering to Unbelieving Family Members”); immediately prior to relocating to Ark., she worked full time in the counseling department of The Master’s College, has served in her own ministry efforts, as well many of the various church planting and institutional ministries of her husband; she has been his vital ministry partner in all their ministry work. 



You can download the lectures of this four part series below: